Dr. Rakesh Parmar
(Chief Proctor)
Office : Administrative Block, CET Campus, Karni Industrial Area, Bikaner-334004
Email : proctor@cet-gov.ac.in
Contact : 0151-2250955
Proctor Office Responsibilities:
Broad Work Area | Staff | Proctor |
Overall work of admission process of Ist Year & LEEP including direct admission like reporting of student, document collection, fee collection, form filling, details submission to RPET/LEEP Coordinator; details of fees of I Year & LEEP student, transfer of fees from other colleges to institute and to other colleges and from RPET/LEEP Coordinators. Filling up enrolment form with proper details, getting enrolment fees, submission of documents to university. Issuing scholar no. Providing filled form of I-Cards to concerned staff for printing. Custodian of original documents upto enrolment.Refund of fees & Caution Money in case of withdrawal in I Sem only. Branch change process. RTI reply coordination. Student record keeping in particular formats; College transfer record & processing, admission withdrawal record Any procurement activity & record of imprest; ID card printing and distribution in students; Entries in RMR/DSR of Department; Leave/OD record University enrolment & development fees submission; Issuing and receiving challan for II sem & II/III/IV Year students and preparing fees details of these. Any fee due of the student will be reported after last date of fee submission so that monitoring may be made on time. Refund of caution money in case of withdrawal of II/III/IV year student. Refund of excess fee amount after final adjustment in final year. Fees no dues issue. All scholarship related activities, form filling, document collection from students and submission to appropriate authority, scholarship distribution, to search new scholarship distribution agencies and to promote among students, to issue certificate related to scholarship, preparation of data of scholarship and related finance activity. Health insurance of students Refund of caution money to pass out students and record keeping of this. To issue all certificates related to regular students (except scholarship) and pass out students. To issue Concession form to students. Return original documents to students after enrolment. Student file preparation by the forms provided by admission committee/Proctor and henceforth regular updation by filing challans, mark sheet, provisional photocopy etc in it. Record of inward & dispatch register with the help of Kishan Swami. |
Mr. Dhirendra Choudhary Mr. Mukesh Kaler Mr. Kishan Lal Swami |
Mr. Kartar Singh Siddharth Ms. Neelam Swami Mr. Amit Sudhanshu |